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The function ae_table_grade() creates a summary table of maximum AE grades for each patient according to the CTCAE grade. The resulting dataframe can be piped to as_flextable() to get a nicely formatted flextable.


  variant = c("max", "sup", "eq"),
  arm = NULL,
  grade = "AEGR",
  subjid = "SUBJID",
  ae_label = "AE",
  percent = TRUE,
  digits = 2,
  total = TRUE



adverse event dataset, one row per AE, containing subjid, soc, and grade.




enrollment dataset, one row per patient, containing subjid (and arm if needed). All patients should be in this dataset.


one or several of c("max", "sup", "eq"). max computes the maximum AE grade per patient, sup computes the number of patients having experienced at least one AE of grade higher or equal to X, and eq computes the number of patients having experienced at least one AE of grade equal to X.


name of the treatment column in df_enrol. Case-insensitive. Can be set to NULL.


name of the AE grade column in df_ae. Case-insensitive.


name of the patient ID in both df_ae and df_enrol. Case-insensitive.


the label of adverse events, usually "AE" or "SAE".


whether to show percentages with counts. Defaults to TRUE. Can also be "only" to not show counts.


significant digits for percentages.


whether to add a total column for each arm.


a crosstable


tm = grstat_example()
attach(tm, warn.conflicts=FALSE)

ae_table_grade(df_ae=ae, df_enrol=enrolres, arm=NULL) %>%



Treatment arm

All patients (N=200)

Patient maximum AE grade

No declared AE

3 (2%)

Grade 1

35 (18%)

Grade 2

62 (31%)

Grade 3

51 (26%)

Grade 4

39 (20%)

Grade 5

10 (5%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (2%)

Grade ≥ 1

197 (98%)

Grade ≥ 2

162 (81%)

Grade ≥ 3

100 (50%)

Grade ≥ 4

49 (24%)

Grade = 5

10 (5%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (2%)

Grade 1

164 (82%)

Grade 2

117 (58%)

Grade 3

62 (31%)

Grade 4

44 (22%)

Grade 5

10 (5%)

ae_table_grade(df_ae=ae, df_enrol=enrolres, arm="arm") %>% as_flextable(header_show_n=TRUE)



Treatment arm


Control (N=100)

Treatment (N=100)

Patient maximum AE grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

3 (2%)

Grade 1

27 (27%)

8 (8%)

35 (18%)

Grade 2

32 (32%)

30 (30%)

62 (31%)

Grade 3

23 (23%)

28 (28%)

51 (26%)

Grade 4

14 (14%)

25 (25%)

39 (20%)

Grade 5

1 (1%)

9 (9%)

10 (5%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

3 (2%)

Grade ≥ 1

97 (97%)

100 (100%)

197 (98%)

Grade ≥ 2

70 (70%)

92 (92%)

162 (81%)

Grade ≥ 3

38 (38%)

62 (62%)

100 (50%)

Grade ≥ 4

15 (15%)

34 (34%)

49 (24%)

Grade = 5

1 (1%)

9 (9%)

10 (5%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

3 (2%)

Grade 1

83 (83%)

81 (81%)

164 (82%)

Grade 2

53 (53%)

64 (64%)

117 (58%)

Grade 3

25 (25%)

37 (37%)

62 (31%)

Grade 4

15 (15%)

29 (29%)

44 (22%)

Grade 5

1 (1%)

9 (9%)

10 (5%)

#To get SAE only, filter df_ae first ae %>% dplyr::filter(sae=="Yes") %>% ae_table_grade(df_enrol=enrolres, arm="arm", ae_label="SAE") %>% as_flextable(header_show_n=TRUE)



Treatment arm


Control (N=100)

Treatment (N=100)

Patient maximum SAE grade

No declared SAE

73 (73%)

77 (77%)

150 (75%)

Grade 1

10 (10%)

1 (1%)

11 (6%)

Grade 2

6 (6%)

3 (3%)

9 (4%)

Grade 3

3 (3%)

7 (7%)

10 (5%)

Grade 4

8 (8%)

8 (8%)

16 (8%)

Grade 5

0 (0%)

4 (4%)

4 (2%)

Patient had at least one SAE of grade

No declared SAE

73 (73%)

77 (77%)

150 (75%)

Grade ≥ 1

27 (27%)

23 (23%)

50 (25%)

Grade ≥ 2

17 (17%)

22 (22%)

39 (20%)

Grade ≥ 3

11 (11%)

19 (19%)

30 (15%)

Grade ≥ 4

8 (8%)

12 (12%)

20 (10%)

Grade = 5

0 (0%)

4 (4%)

4 (2%)

Patient had at least one SAE of grade

No declared SAE

73 (73%)

77 (77%)

150 (75%)

Grade 1

10 (10%)

2 (2%)

12 (6%)

Grade 2

8 (8%)

3 (3%)

11 (6%)

Grade 3

5 (5%)

8 (8%)

13 (6%)

Grade 4

8 (8%)

8 (8%)

16 (8%)

Grade 5

0 (0%)

4 (4%)

4 (2%)

#To describe a sub-population, filter df_enrol first enrolres2 = enrolres %>% dplyr::filter(arm=="Control") ae %>% ae_table_grade(df_enrol=enrolres2, arm="arm") %>% as_flextable(header_show_n=TRUE)



Treatment arm


Control (N=100)

Patient maximum AE grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

3 (3%)

Grade 1

27 (27%)

27 (27%)

Grade 2

32 (32%)

32 (32%)

Grade 3

23 (23%)

23 (23%)

Grade 4

14 (14%)

14 (14%)

Grade 5

1 (1%)

1 (1%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

3 (3%)

Grade ≥ 1

97 (97%)

97 (97%)

Grade ≥ 2

70 (70%)

70 (70%)

Grade ≥ 3

38 (38%)

38 (38%)

Grade ≥ 4

15 (15%)

15 (15%)

Grade = 5

1 (1%)

1 (1%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

3 (3%)

Grade 1

83 (83%)

83 (83%)

Grade 2

53 (53%)

53 (53%)

Grade 3

25 (25%)

25 (25%)

Grade 4

15 (15%)

15 (15%)

Grade 5

1 (1%)

1 (1%)

#You can also filter the AE table ae %>% ae_table_grade(df_enrol=enrolres, arm="arm") %>% dplyr::filter(!variable %in% c("Grade 1", "Grade 2")) %>% as_flextable(header_show_n=TRUE)



Treatment arm


Control (N=100)

Treatment (N=100)

Patient maximum AE grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

3 (2%)

Grade 3

23 (23%)

28 (28%)

51 (26%)

Grade 4

14 (14%)

25 (25%)

39 (20%)

Grade 5

1 (1%)

9 (9%)

10 (5%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

3 (2%)

Grade ≥ 1

97 (97%)

100 (100%)

197 (98%)

Grade ≥ 2

70 (70%)

92 (92%)

162 (81%)

Grade ≥ 3

38 (38%)

62 (62%)

100 (50%)

Grade ≥ 4

15 (15%)

34 (34%)

49 (24%)

Grade = 5

1 (1%)

9 (9%)

10 (5%)

Patient had at least one AE of grade

No declared AE

3 (3%)

0 (0%)

3 (2%)

Grade 3

25 (25%)

37 (37%)

62 (31%)

Grade 4

15 (15%)

29 (29%)

44 (22%)

Grade 5

1 (1%)

9 (9%)

10 (5%)